Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tales of the bunny: Lost in wonder woods...

 lost in woods of wonderland
 sleepy willow of my dreams
 sleepy willow of my dreams

 falling down ... dreaming..
red-head in the woods
 red-head waiting for her lover..
 red-head and the sleepy willow
 red-head and the sleepy willow
well yesterday i was with one of my friends out in a park and i had my camera, so we just told ourselves, lets make some photos :D so we did about 300 photos :) here are some of the better ones... :) and i found out that she is very talented in making photos :) i cant wait for our next photography day :D


  1. hey cute blog dear! Please check out mine, it's new and i'd love to have you as a follower!

    hope to hear from you soon:
